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Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative identity disorder, as its name suggests, disconnects those suffering from it from the world around them. It’s a faulty defense mechanism from early experiences that prevents individuals from engaging in a full and satisfying life with others.

Creative Care’s philosophy finds its centers in gently unearthing and understanding the events of a difficult childhood and how they manifest into conditions like dissociative identity disorder. To learn more about the residential mental health treatment program, call us today.

Common Questions About Dissociative Identity Disorder

Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder involves a detachment from one’s sense of identity, actions, feelings, and thoughts. Individuals often feel as if they’re watching their life as if it’s a movie or in a dream.

In extreme cases, people with dissociative identity disorder formulate an alternate, often regressive personality that they slip into in times of stress or in response to triggers. Dissociative identity disorder usually begins in childhood, with the average onset age of 16.

Symptoms primarily revolve around themes of detachment and loss. These can include:

  • An inability to remember key facts and personal information
  • Out-of-body experiences
  • Emotional numbness
  • Reckless behavior
  • Self-sabotage
  • Alternate personalities
  • Development of other mental health conditions like depression and anxiety

Childhood trauma is a major factor in the development of dissociative identity disorder. In fact, some studies suggest that 99% of those who struggle with the condition have experienced some type of trauma in their lives, usually severe or repetitive. This includes physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. The dissociative aspect, or the “shutting off” that marks this disorder is thought by most professionals to be a defensive mechanism in response to these traumas.

Dissociative identity disorder responds best to a blend of treatment. Talk-based psychotherapy is helpful in helping clients learn what events trigger them and how they can respond rather than react to these triggers.

With historical trauma being such a major factor of the condition, trauma therapy is also very beneficial, as are EMDR and art therapies. Creative Care uses all three methods as part of our whole-person approach to treatment.

Creative Care has over 30 years of experience helping individuals manage and overcome mental health conditions like generalized anxiety disorder. For compassionate, innovative treatment, call Creative Care today.